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we need your help.

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    The All of Us Research Program is a large research program from the National Institutes of Health. The goal is to help researchers understand more about why people get sick or stay healthy.

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    People who join will share information. This might be about their health, habits, and what it's like where they live. Researchers will use this to do studies.

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    If you decide to join All of Us, you will be contributing to an effort to improve the health of generations to come. You also may learn about your own health.

Medical research has gender, racial,
and age gaps. Help us close them.

To learn more about All of Us, please share your information in this form. You will be contacted by a program representative as soon as possible.

* Required Fields By clicking, you agree to be contacted by All of Us and acknowledge you have read and agreed to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

How the Program Works

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    Participants Share Data

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    Data is Protected

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    Researchers Study Data

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    Participants Get Information

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    Researchers Share Discoveries

Ready to enroll?


More Questions?

We’re always happy to hear from you.